Discord : @x3ll3n
I'm a french music producer.
Feel free to use any of my musics on Youtube and GD (but credit me though).
I hope we'll get along !

Gabriel @X3LL3N

Age 23, Male

I like to do stuff

Some Random Business School


Joined on 4/7/18

Exp Points:
24,675 / 25,580
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
8.86 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Portal Security
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

X3LL3N's News

Posted by X3LL3N - January 31st, 2020

Welp, that was fast xD

Seems I was able to reach this goal sooner than expected (rip frontpage post lmao)

But hey, I'm really glad I was able to get that many followers, not to long ago I had less fans than here, and now it's the opposite.

I still really want to thank all of you guys for the support, any ideas on something I should do ? Like a remix contest or something ?



Posted by X3LL3N - January 24th, 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to say that I now am a totally 100% legit adult ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The following statement is technically true but it's still a joke (or is it ?!)

I can now legally drink bear and go to the hookers lmao

Don't worry, I'll keep being the same dumbass as ever, for the next decade at the very least !

Thanks for all the support you gave me since 2018 :D




Posted by X3LL3N - October 9th, 2019

Hey there !

So basically, as some of you may have noticed, I improved a lot in the last couple of monthes.

But now I have a problem, and I'd like to ask for your answer.

As a music producer, I start lots of stuff everyday. Some of my projects sound cool and I decide that I'll finish them later.

But overtime, I keep improving and there's a gap between my recent uploaded content and these projects that have yet to be finished.

So I was wondering : should I actually finish and upload them (even with the difference of skills) ? I really like some of them and would like to share them with you guys.

So what I'm thinking about is that I would release those as "Newgrounds Exclusive" and put something like "Old" in the title.

What do you think about that ?



Posted by X3LL3N - October 2nd, 2019

Hey everyone, it seems like we reached another achievement !

1 month ago, I reached 100 fans on Newgrounds, and this time, I reached 100 fans on Soundcloud :D

It feels really good to be recognized as an actual producer by all of you guys, some may say that it's not that much, but for me it's still pretty big.

So I want to thank all of you who supported me since I started producing music, I appreciate your support a lot !

Also, special thanks to GDTrickshot, Froej and Another-Time (Aerin) for helping me improve all the way 'till where I am :)

For those who are interested in following me, here are my links :

X3ll3n :

Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/x3ll3n

Newgrounds : https://x3ll3n.newgrounds.com/

Youtube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCP7YVa81D4B0oZ2ypDzGGeg




Posted by X3LL3N - August 31st, 2019

I've been in Newgrounds for a bit more than a year. I started producing music from scratch with no experience and no understanding of pretty much anything.

And finally, for some reason, I did it : I reached 100 fans on Newgrounds !

I want to thank everyone that followed me this past year, it was really fun and I finally succeeded in one of my goals in this website. I'll try to keep improving and pump this number up !

Also, I was wondering, should I do something to celebrate it ? Tell me your ideas :)

(Also, I'm pretty sure a troll will unfollow me) xD

Also, if you want to support me :

Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/x3ll3n

Newgrounds : x3ll3n.newgrounds.com/

Youtube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCP7YVa81D4B0oZ2ypDzGGeg




Posted by X3LL3N - July 24th, 2019

Thank you everyone !

It's been a bit more than a year since I've started to be active on Newgrounds :D

In this period, a lot has happened :

In a year, I was able to gather nearly 90 people interested in my musics (and arts in the end lmao)

I was able to meet wonderful people (like Trickshot, Froej, Sylux...)

I helped a lot of creators getting noticed by scouting them.

I also got my music usable in a game that I've played for nearly 5 years !

The best part is that I feel like I'm part of the amazing community that is Newgrounds. This website is not like any other.

Some of my favorite producers, the ones that made me want to learn how to make music started there, and I followed their path. I'm glad I joined it.

I also found out great animators and artists that I'm now following, I discovered new interests I didn't think I had.

I think I'll release the EP really soon (august), and I think you guys will appreciate it. It's not much, but hey !

It's not like I know any other way to show my appreciation :D

Also, I have a question for the people that follow me, do you think I should make a Discord server ?

Usually they end up dying but I feel like this could be a good idea since I made a group talk with a some friends from Newgrounds and it's still fairly active, so yeah, tell me c:



Posted by X3LL3N - July 12th, 2019

After nearly a year of making music, I was whitelisted by RobTop !

That means we can finally use my tracks in the game :D

Also, the EP will be released soon, love you all <3



Posted by X3LL3N - July 5th, 2019

Hey guys X3ll3n here,

As some of you may know, I've been scouting a lot in the art portal in recent days, and one of the 41 people that i had scouted sadly broke a rule.

When I scout people I always check their profiles on other websites, make an analysis of their work just to be sure that they are the original creators... you know, all of that.

But I guess I messed up with one of them and lost my ability to scout, I was *castrated*.

So yeah, I don't think I'll be able to scout anymore in the art portal for a long time since it's actually hard to gain your privileges back, I guess I'll contact a mod to see if I can get them back, but that will probably take a while.

Hopefully, I can still help creators from the audio portal because I've never made mistakes there? So if you make music and think you're decent enough to get scouted, you can reach to me, I'll be glad to help !


Posted by X3LL3N - June 25th, 2019

Hello there,

It's been nearly a year since I've started producing music and since I've became active in Newgrounds, so to celebrate that, I'll make a small EP (3/4 tracks) that should come out mid-July !

And in other news, I'll join the Newgrounds NGUAC and NGADM competitions :D

I'll try my best and have fun hopefully, but I realised one thing when I saw the rules for the NGUAC, here it is >:)


Anyways, wish me good luck ! :D



Posted by X3LL3N - April 10th, 2019

Hey guys, X3ll3n here (obviously)

I decided to make a serious post for once (or did I ?) :^)

Taking a look at my old audios, I noticed that multiple people had actually thought of collaborating in a music with me.

Up until now, I've only collaborated with Another-Time (Aerin) and I am working on something with GDTrickshot at the moment as well.

I really like to collaborate because I always learn a lot of stuff and it's actually quite fun !

If anyone is interested in collaborating with me one day or another, feel free to ask me either in Newgrounds, either in Discord at X3LL3N#5769

As for the use of my audios, I'd like you to contact me before because I'd like to see what my audios would be used in.

There's no real restriction, you must only credit me and put a link to the music you used :))

That's all folks ! Have a good day :D
