Bon anniversaire !
Bon anniversaire !
Merci beaucoup !
Pure fire !
If this isn't one of the winners, I don't get it lol
Upload it on Soundcloud if possible, I wanna listen to it on the go :D
Oooo man I really gotta upload to SoundCloud more ty for being the one that gets me to finally do it
Scouted :)
dude THANK you for scouting me man
I'm in love with the vibe, I feel happy (for once in my life)
I especially love the first minute and the entire chill section around the 2 minute mark :>
Thank you thank you
for checking it out.
Super glad you enjoyed it. I too enjoyed working on this track.
I wasn't expecting to like this near as much as I did.
You single handedly made me realise how important panning can be (in a good way, I never notice that sort of details usually)
Thank you! Glad to hear that :)
I was expecting it to go the trance route mixed with some Waterflame or F-777 possibly. Not exactly what happened, but I loved it anyway.
It's an amazing chord progression, but there's an issue with it as it currently is.
It's a bit too repetitive and I feel like the song goes nowhere in the end. It's like it cuts just before it gets to the intense part, and the song has no conclusion.
You hyped me up so much, and then you just bamboozled me. I trusted you but you left me down (we truly live in a society). Worst betrayal in X3ll3n hypetrain history.
I'm left wanting much more, like a 4/5 minute song.
Consider adding a drop after where it ends and then continuing the song, it's golden in terms of potential. You have something special on your hands and I will nag you to finish it, boyo !
"My dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined!" Haha, welp, I simply ran out of time :D I'm not happy that this is what I submitted nor should I deserve to move on with this. It's going to turn into a full song eventually! Thanks for the comment! :)
So for context, the entry I judged right before was also a piano piece (by lucidshadowdreamer no less), so theoritically, not the best of songs to follow up on as you have to live up to the standards they set.
Honestly ? You freaking nailed it !
The piano sounds really clean and I'm in love with the melodies and the mood you were going for.
It's super charming and I feel like there's a piece of storytelling that inspired you which you're hiding from us x)
A piece of criticism I often give to solo instrument tracks is that I feel it lacks elements (ear candies, instruments, etc...)
In this case, not only do I think it's not the case, I'm actually glad it doesn't have any more !
With that said, there's a huge issue with the song...
It only lasts 3 and a half minutes.
How could you do this to me, I want moooooooooooooore
This is legitimately one of the rare ADM pieces I'd put on my Soundcloud playlist (and for context, it happened just twice in 3 years).
I don't think I ever rated an entry so high, especially a solo instrument one. Legit been listening to it for 40 minutes <3
When someone connects with one of my compositions, it gives quite a good feeling, a little bit like being understood, that I expressed something that other minds can catch and appropriate for themselves. When a musician connects it comes with a bit of a bonus for the confidence.
There is a lot of personal baggage that might flow into every composition, a little reflection of different elements of my life, past, thoughts and feelings, personal and about the world. I try to connect to the subconscious to gather ideas when I compose, so there might be lots of things flowing into it, that might be hidden even from me!
I was thinking of the odds going for piano solo as pretty low, but I thought no matter what the contests are perfect to get an idea of how I sound to people, get to know if my music is worth sharing. The results up to now are beyond any expectations!
I'm already very satisfied with all the feedbacks, help I've got to fix mixing issues, listening to great composers, and meeting many very skilled and talented people who share the same passion for music. I won't lie though, getting further in the NGADM would be an awesome addon to the list! :)
Being compared to a talented pianist such as LSD means a lot to me! He's among the best, if not the best I listened to on NG! Then the highest rating ever, listening to it for 40 minutes, and 1 of 2 pieces you'd add on playlist in 3 years is kind of making me blush! No seriously I don't know what to say but thank you very much! It must be one of the most encouraging comments I received! It's truly heartwarming! ❤
I often find piano songs very hit or miss, as I'm usually left to want more in terms of instrumentation.
I think in your case, the limits actually contribute to the charm of the song as it lets the AMAZING composition work shine through, it really adds to the emotion.
I have one single issue with the track, and as you can probably guess, it's the vocals.
They sound truly beautiful (I'm vibing so much rn), but I feel like they are introduced too suddenly and loudly (which caught me offguard).
I believe adding a slight reverse reverb tail before introducing them would fix the issue for me.
I also think that the vocals peak a bit too high in volume in some places, and that a little delay here and there at the end of a section could make it even better (though this is personal taste).
Very happy with this !
Thank you for reviewing!
I think all genres have the potential to be great, or to be boring. I've heard plenty of really exciting metal songs, but also my fair share of "this again" tracks. I think because the piano is such a common and easily approachable instrument, one hears a lot of these samey songs on YouTube, Spotify etc. which perhaps don't have so much thought or effort behind them. Perhaps that is why you often feel like you're left wanting more! I do believe that if one really utilises the range of the keys and knows how to keep a piece dynamic, solo piano stuff can truly shine ^____^
I know you know this, as you already said as much in your review, it's just something I've been thinking about recently :P
Yup, I think your advice is on point regarding the vocals. I basically never record any, so whilst I did take the time to do so properly, I think I am a little bit lacking in experience when it comes to avoiding the issues you mentioned. Because I don't record vocals often, I'm also less experienced in mixing them (yet). I'll bear your advice in mind for next time :O!
Thank you for all the kind words :D
This is quite a fun and catchy song, very retro, I like it a lot ^^
Thanks a lot =]
Discord : @x3ll3n
I'm a french music producer.
Feel free to use any of my musics on Youtube and GD (but credit me though).
I hope we'll get along !
Age 23, Male
I like to do stuff
Some Random Business School
Joined on 4/7/18