This is giving me big traditional village music, hell, even a but of professor layton in there haha
This is giving me big traditional village music, hell, even a but of professor layton in there haha
Hey there! I really can't express how grateful I am that you checked out my submission! It seriously makes me so happy to know that my music brought you those warm and cozy traditional village vibes and even a hint of that awesome magic from Professor Layton's OST - that's like the best compliment ever! Those games have always been a huge inspiration for me, and I'm just absolutely thrilled that my piece connected with you. Thanks a ton for that!
This is really cool :D
no way its the x3ll3n!!!
Based and very cool :^)
like you :)
This is super viby, great job !
Good vibbs
This is very unique and stands out a lot compared to other AIM submissions I've heard so far, you did an amazing job on every little thing. Best of luck ^^
Thank you so much I really appreciate your kind words
The vocoder brings so much to the vibe, but that sax is also amazing ! (is it a recorded one or a plugin ?)
Either way, the best songs you've made in a while imo ^^
Thanks! Some of the sax parts are real and some of them are a VST :)
This is one of your better released imo, the mix is also pretty clean :)
Also, is that spanish in the description ? I'm part portuguese so I was wondering if it was one or the other ^^
Thank you :D. Yes, It's spanish
This aside, this is probably the AIM submission that stands out the most so far for me :)
Its too good of a patch, I can’t deny it usage here lol.
This feels pretty nostalgic for some reason :)
AIM 2023 Judge Review
That's some pretty sinister song you've got there my guy, but hey, it fits the theme :)
I like how you have that sort of nasty / grainy distortion, it makes it uncanny in a good way.
The instruments complement each other very well too, they bring a lot to the ambience.
I'm sure you're gonna do super well in this year's AIM, good luck ^^
Thank you my brotha, we'll see :D
Discord : @x3ll3n
I'm a french music producer.
Feel free to use any of my musics on Youtube and GD (but credit me though).
I hope we'll get along !
Age 23, Male
I like to do stuff
Some Random Business School
Joined on 4/7/18