Nice design !
Nice design !
This looks fantastic, one of your best in a while !
As always, amazing color combinations and glow, I particuluarly like the character this time ^^
Also, the pink/orange-ishcolors go really well with the green :)
wow, thanks so much!! <333 i'm so glad c:
Who cares about the legs, there's a motherfucking Supra !
I personally believe this is one of your all-time best illustrations.
I really like the design of your character. The background looks really cool and the shading is pretty clean. I love the warm color palette and the composition.
It's like I can feel the warmth emanating from it, amazing job Mogy ! ^^
That's pretty cool ! Definitely the 4th for me ^^
People usually focus on the characters for that type of illustration, but goddamn, that's an amazing background/environment :D
I was like "this is really good !" and then I noticed the right eye.
It's kinda funny-looking and I can't unsee it anymore.
Very good art nonetheless !
I like this a lot, good job !
Discord : @x3ll3n
I'm a french music producer.
Feel free to use any of my musics on Youtube and GD (but credit me though).
I hope we'll get along !
Age 23, Male
I like to do stuff
Some Random Business School
Joined on 4/7/18