Lots of potential c:
Lots of potential c:
Thanks man!
Sounds cool, not really shitty
Thx a lot.
Really good remix ^^
You can put RUD as original creator in the project parameters if you want
idk how lol :D
NVM i did it haha
It was kinda dumb to delete your profile as you could have just renamed yourself lol
Anyways, amazing track ! Scouted you :)
You should reupload some of your tracks as well ^^
Thanks, haha yes, I think I regret it.. I might upload some of the tracks here again :D
Pew Pew
Pretty different from the usual, I think I like the previous 3xOsc challenge better but it's still really nice :)
EDIT : My bad, I think it was actually a Stock plugin challenge, might be why
I've never done a previous 3xOSC challenge though.
This is pretty good for a first upload, so i decided to scout you (it works the same as in the art portal, it allows you to get your tracks listened by the whole NG community and get tracks in the front page) ;)
What an honour! Thank you very much! ;;
Discord : @x3ll3n
I'm a french music producer.
Feel free to use any of my musics on Youtube and GD (but credit me though).
I hope we'll get along !
Age 23, Male
I like to do stuff
Some Random Business School
Joined on 4/7/18